Painful Canker Sores and the Cankermelts-GX Solution:

Canker sores and other ordinary mouth ulcers (medically referred to as minor aphthous stomatitis), which often start with a cut from braces or biting your lip or cheek, afflict 20% of the population recurrently.

Problem: Before Cankermelts, the typical mouth ulcer healing time was between 7 and 14 days.

Cankermelts Solution: Tests show that Cankermelts reduce healing time from the usual 7 to 14 days to less than 4 days, (typically 1 day), when used as directed.

Problem: Before Cankermelts, over the counter and prescription treatments offered only these pain relief options: apply a topical anesthetic (benzocaine), which numbs the mouth ulcer, or apply a film forming gel such as medical grade super glue to seal the mouth ulcer so it is no longer painful.

Cankermelts Solution: Cankermelts provide pain relief without numbing your mouth and reduce pain while eating. Cankermelts relieve pain in less than 15 minutes and continue to do so until fully dissolved in 2 to 6 hours.

Problem: Before Cankermelts, previously available products required the use of messy liquids or gels, many of which have an unpleasant antiseptic flavor.

Cankermelts Solution: Cankermelts-GX is the first and only medicine to use time release, medicated discs that adhere on or near your sore within 2 minutes and stay in place until they slowly dissolve over 2 to 6 hours. Cankermelts have a subtle, pleasant taste that will not interfere with other flavors while you eat.




While a Cankermelts disc is in place, the sore is healing. During the hours with no treatment, the sore may be growing. The more hours each day that you have a disc in place, the faster the sore will heal. The sooner you start treatment of a new sore, the quicker it will heal and the fewer Cankermelts will be needed.

For a sore on your cheek or lip or under your tongue:

1. Place a dry Cankermelts disc on the sore using your fingers or the tip of your tongue. It will stick, weakly at first, increasing over time.

2. Let your cheek or lip relax to normal position. The disc may touch your teeth or gums which will hold the disk against the sore.

3. The disc may slowly stick to your teeth or gums and it may be pulled off the sore when you move your mouth. This is okay because, while stuck to teeth or gums, the disc will still frequently touch the sore.

4. The disc will slowly dissolve. When it is nearly gone, put in a fresh disc. Continue until 8 hours after you last feel the sore to prevent relapse.

For a sore on your tongue:

1. Use the sore spot on your tongue to press a Cankermelts disc against the nearest tooth (or gum or denture) until it sticks (about 2 minutes). If the disc is dry, start by placing it on the sore with your fingers.

2. Once the disk is stuck to the tooth or gum, it may also be stuck to your tongue. Carefully pull your tongue off the disk, leaving it stuck to your tooth.

3. Frequently touch the sore spot on your tongue to the disc.

Heal it before it hurts: To heal a new sore before it begins to hurt, start treatment as soon as you detect the coming sore and keep a Cankermelts disc on or opposite the sore for at least 16 hours per day until 8 hours after you last feel the sore.

When to use: You may use Cankermelts during any activity, including showering, exercising, and sleeping. To last longer, you may use two discs at once, one on top of the other.

Eating: Use for at least 20 minutes before a meal to reduce pain from eating. You can eat with a Cankermelts disc in place. It is okay to swallow the disc.

Use with braces: Apply a dry Cankermelts disc to the sore and let it press on your braces. The disc will soften and settle into the braces and then pull away from the sore. Cankermelts will not harm your braces and will completely dissolve out of them in 3 to 8 hours – sooner with brushing.

Use with dentures: Soften a Cankermelts disc in your mouth and then hold it against the denture or gums until it sticks, as close as possible to the sore so the medication released from the disc will spread to the sore.

Preventing new sores: Use Cankermelts for 6-12 hours after getting a cut from braces or biting your lip or cheek to prevent a canker sore from forming. Some people use Cankermelts every night while sleeping to prevent sores from forming.


Warning: Cankermelts are not recommended for children under 6 due to risk of choking.

Introducing the only OTC medication that heals canker sores in 1 - 4 days
Cankermelts-GX medicated discs

18 time-release, medicated discs 


Discontinued 11/13/2008




For canker sores and other ordinary mouth ulcers including denture sores
and cuts from braces or biting your lip
or cheek.


  • Heals new canker sores within 1 - 4
    days or your money back.*

  • Heals before it hurts if applied at the first symptom.*

  • Soothes pain in established canker sores.*

  • Pain relief without numbness.*

*The US Food and Drug Adminisration (FDA) has not evaluated these statements. 

INGREDIENTS: (average per disc): 30 mg Glycyrrhiza extract (GX) (includes 1.4 mg glycyrrhizin) hydrophilic gums and potassium.

CONTAINS NO products of nuts, corn, wheat rice, grain, soy, egg, fish, shellfish, milk ,or yeast.

Topically applied Glycyrrhiza extract (GX) has been shown to speed healing of canker sores and relieve canker sore pain (Das SK, et al; Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice in Aphthous Ulcers: J Asso Physicians India, 1989; 37:647).


How many Cankermelts should I use each day? Each Cankermelts disc will dissolve over a period of 2 to 6 hours depending on the flow of saliva and level of local mouth activity. If applied at the onset of a canker sore, one to three discs may be enough to heal the sore. If applied to a canker sore in an advanced stage, you may need to use more discs over a longer period of time.

Why do Cankermelts vary in size and shape? Cankermelts are manufactured in various sizes and shapes to accomodate different locations in the mouth.

What if the disc sticks to my teeth or gums or denture but not the ulcer? This form of treatment is equally effective provided the disc is close to the ulcer or the ulcer frequently touches the disc.

What if I can't make the disc stick in place? For best results, press the disc with your tongue, lip, or cheek against your teeth, gums or denture until it sticks (about 1 - 2 minutes), or remove it from your mouth, let it dry, and place it with your finger or tongue on soft tissue.

Can taking too much licorice extract cause health problems? Yes, if it is an extract that includes glycyrrhizin. In high quantities, adverse side effects from GX may include sodium retention, potassium loss, headaches, swelling and high blood pressure. Cankermelts-GX has such a small amount of glycyrrhizin that a person with typical sensitivity would have to consume more than 750 discs in a 3 day period to be at risk of potentially harmful side effects.

Why don't Cankermelts taste like "licorice"? Most "licorice" candy is flavored with anise and contains little or no licorice extract. The time release technology used in Cankermelts releases very little flavor at any one time; in fact most users reported a taste so subtle it did not interfere with other flavors during food consumption.

Will Cankermelts stain my teeth? No. The ingredients in Cankermelts will not stain teeth, dentures or porcelain restorations. However, like tea and coffee, GX may, over months of daily use, stain white composite fillings.

Are ordinary mouth ulcers contagious? No. Unlike cold sores, which are caused by the Herpes virus, ordinary mouth ulcers (canker sores) are not contagious. A tendency to canker sores is genetic and inherited, or may be related to phychological stress or certain foods.



If this product does not heal a new ordinary mouth ulcer within 4 days, send us an e-mail (, letter or fax
(425.865.9335) stating ulcer location, how long the ulcer was present before you began treatment, how many discs you used each day, and how long each disc was in place over a four day period. Please include your telephone number.

We will reply with advice on how to achieve successful treatment. If you follow the advice on your next ulcer and the product still does not work, you can mail us your receipt for a full refund. Sorry, this offer applies to U.S. consumers only.


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